In 1989 the architect and designer John C. Ermel, working on an order for a new watch design, had the idea of making the difference between the cycles of day and night obvious.

This could be achieved by using a radially adjustable hour hand. He arranged the scale of hours on a so-called “Pascal’s spiral”, a conchoid of a circle, a special cycloid achieved by overlapping the usual clockwise rotation with translation in the radial direction – in this case a sine curve with a cycle of 24 hours. The mechanism necessary for controlling such an hour hand took more than 10 years to develop and is a real marvel of Swiss watchmaking craftsmanship. In 1999 John C. Ermel applied for a Swiss patent on his idea and in 2000 for a worldwide patent. Cyclos watches are the result of all his hard work. Visit the Cyclos website at to see an animation of how this amazing watch works.

Made in Dornach, Switzerland

Made in Dornach, Switzerland